Wednesday, August 13, 2008

win·ning·est ?

After winning his fifth gold medal this year, Michael Phelps brings his career total to eleven, making him ... "the winningest Olympic athlete ever," according to The Poughkeepsie Journal.

I have a problem with that - hearing it makes me cringe, reading makes me double back, and thinking about it .. well .. I'm not sure what to think. It sounds stupid, like amazingest, or losingest.

Merriam-Websters doesn't agree, and hasn't since 1973. The New York Times seems to have sided with me, calling him the "
career leader in Olympic golds." Classy NYT, classy.

no wonder .. the man's body is like an eel, long and lean and PERFECT for the winning eleven gold medals in swimming.

1 comment:

Maizie said...

Lynnie! Why didn't I know about this website? You're so good.

And I agree.